View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Created on 17.05.2005 from Linke
3    *
4    */
5   package net.sf.crispy.proxy;
7   import java.lang.reflect.Method;
9   import net.sf.crispy.Executor;
10  import net.sf.crispy.InterceptorContext;
11  import net.sf.crispy.InterceptorHandler;
13  /**
14   * 
15   * Handel Invocation from the DynamicProxy-implementation.
16   * Intern call the InvocationHandler all registered Interceptors before and after the doInvoke-Method.
17   * 
18   * @author Linke
19   *
20   */
21  public final class InvocationHandler {
23      /**
24       * 
25  	 * This method must call from the DynamicProy-implementation.
26       * The method invoke the <code>invokeIfExecutorIsNull</code> method from DynamicProxy-implementation.
27       *  
28  	 * @param pvDynamicProxy Implementation of DynamicProxy
29  	 * @param pvProxy the Proxy-Object
30  	 * @param pvMethod the called Method
31  	 * @param pvArgs the Args from called Method
32  	 * @param pvElseObject implementation specific Object. 
33  	 * 			For example the Param-Object: MethodProxy bei @see net.sf.crispy.impl.DynamicCglibProxy Implementation.
34  	 * 			Or <code>null</code>
35  	 *  
36  	 * @return Result from the method-call
37  	 * 
38  	 * @throws Throwable Error by the method-call
39       * 
40       */    	
41      public static Object doInvoke(DynamicProxy pvDynamicProxy, Object pvProxy, Method pvMethod, Object[] pvArgs, 
42      											Object pvElseObject, final InterceptorHandler pvInterceptorHandler) throws Exception {
43      	Object ret = null;
44      	InterceptorContext lvInterceptorContext = new InterceptorContext(pvDynamicProxy, pvMethod, pvArgs, pvElseObject);
46      	if (pvInterceptorHandler == null) {
47      		throw new IllegalArgumentException ("The InvocationHandler has no InterceptorHandler (is null)!");
48      	}
50      	// modify the parameter or method
51      	InterceptorContext lvInterceptorContextModify = pvInterceptorHandler.fireBeforeModifyInvocation(lvInterceptorContext);
52      	boolean lvInterruptInvocationModifier = lvInterceptorContextModify.getInterruptInvocation();
53      	// end modify
54      	Method lvNewMethod = lvInterceptorContextModify.getMethod();
55      	Object lvNewArgs[] = lvInterceptorContextModify.getArgs();
56      	Object lvNewElseObject = lvInterceptorContextModify.getElseObject();
57      	DynamicProxy lvNewDynamicProxy = lvInterceptorContextModify.getDynamicProxy();
59      	// fire Method Invocation AFTER modifier
60      	boolean lvInterruptInvocationInterceptor = pvInterceptorHandler.fireBeforeMethodInvocation(lvInterceptorContext);
61      	try {
62      		boolean lvInterruptInvocation = false;
63      		if ((lvInterruptInvocationModifier == true) || (lvInterruptInvocationInterceptor == true)) {
64      			lvInterruptInvocation = true;
65      		}
67      		// !!! if interrupt true, then don't make the invocation !!!
68      		if (lvInterruptInvocation == true) {
69      			ret = lvInterceptorContext.getResult();
70      			if (ret instanceof Exception) {
71      				throw (Exception) ret;
72      			}
73      		} else {
75  	    		Executor lvExecutor = lvNewDynamicProxy.getExecutor();
76  		    	if (lvExecutor == null) {
77  		    		ret = lvNewDynamicProxy.invokeIfExecutorIsNull(pvProxy, lvNewMethod, lvNewArgs, lvNewElseObject);
78  		    	} else {
79  		    		ret = lvExecutor.execute(lvNewDynamicProxy.getProxyClass(), lvNewDynamicProxy.getProxyObject(), lvNewMethod, lvNewArgs);
80  		    	}
82      		}
84      	} catch (Exception e) {
85      		pvInterceptorHandler.fireOnError(e);
86      		throw e;
87      	}
88      	finally {
89  	    	lvInterceptorContext.setResult(ret);
90  	    	// modify the result
91  	    	InterceptorContext lvInterceptorContext2 = pvInterceptorHandler.fireAfterModifyInvocation(lvInterceptorContext);
92  	    	ret = lvInterceptorContext2.getResult();
94      		pvInterceptorHandler.fireAfterMethodInvocation(lvInterceptorContext);
95      	}
96      	return ret;
97  	}
99      public static Object doInvoke(DynamicProxy pvDynamicProxy, Object pvProxy, Method pvMethod, Object[] pvArgs, Object pvElseObject) throws Exception {
100     	return doInvoke(pvDynamicProxy, pvProxy, pvMethod, pvArgs, pvElseObject, new InterceptorHandler());
101     }
103     public static Object doInvoke(DynamicProxy pvDynamicProxy, Object pvProxy, Method pvMethod, Object[] pvArgs, InterceptorHandler pvInterceptorHandler) throws Exception {
104     	return doInvoke(pvDynamicProxy, pvProxy, pvMethod, pvArgs, null, pvInterceptorHandler);
105     }
107     public static Object doInvoke(DynamicProxy pvDynamicProxy, Object pvProxy, Method pvMethod, Object[] pvArgs) throws Exception {
108     	return doInvoke(pvDynamicProxy, pvProxy, pvMethod, pvArgs, null, new InterceptorHandler());
109     }
111 }