View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Created on 30.04.2005 from Linke
3    *
4    */
5   package net.sf.crispy;
7   /**
8    * Properties to config the ServiceManager.
9    * 
10   * @todo Security is not used (user/password).
11   *  
12   * @author Linke
13   *
14   */
15  public interface Property {
17  	/** 
18  	 * Executor-Class-Name. Simulate Stubs. 
19  	 */
20      public final static String EXECUTOR_CLASS = "crispy.prop.executor.class";
21      /** 
22       * Property for Static-Proxy-Class-Name.  
23       */
24      public final static String STATIC_PROXY_CLASS = "crispy.prop.static.proxy.class";
25      /*
26       * Replace the properties <code>EXECUTOR_CLASS</code> and <code>STATIC_PROXY_CLASS</code>.
27       *
28       * public final static String PROXY_CLASS_NAME = "";
29       */
31      /** Property for Dynamic-Proxy-Class-Name.  */
32      public final static String DYNAMIC_PROXY_CLASS = "crispy.prop.dynamic.proxy.class";
34      /** Property for Url and Port from Server */
35      public final static String REMOTE_URL_AND_PORT = "crispy.prop.server.url";    
37      /** Implementation from the InvocationStrategy interface. */
38      public final static String INVOCATION_STRATEGY = "crispy.prop.invocation.strategy";
39      /** Name space for InvocationStrategy interface. If is not set, than is package of service class the name space. */
40      public final static String INVOCATION_STRATEGY_NAMESPACE = "crispy.prop.invocation.strategy.namespace";
43      /** 
44       * <code>Service-Interface-Name + EJB_HOME_INTERFACE.</code><br>
45       * Example: <br> 
46       * 
47       * <PRE>
48       *   Properties prop = new Properties();
49       *   prop.put(EjbService.class.getName() + Property.EJB_HOME_INTERFACE, EjbServiceHome.class.getName());
50       * </PRE> 
51       */
52      public final static String EJB_HOME_INTERFACE = "_HomeInterface";
53      /**
54       * <code>net.sf.crispy.util.Converter</code> is used or not. The converter convert complex objects in
55       * primitive datatypes and back. Value for this property is <code>true</code> or <code>false</code>.
56       * @see net.sf.crispy.util.Converter
57       */
58      public final static String WITH_CONVERTER = "crispy.prop.with.converter";
60      /** username. */
61      public final static String SECURITY_USER = "";
62      /** password. */
63      public final static String SECURITY_PASSWD = "";
65      /** Class with Interceptor-Interface. */
66      public final static String INTERCEPTOR_CLASS = "crispy.prop.interceptor.class";
67      public final static String INTERCEPTOR_CLASS_2 = "crispy.prop.interceptor.class_2";
68      public final static String INTERCEPTOR_CLASS_3 = "crispy.prop.interceptor.class_3";
70      /** Class with Modifier-Interface. */
71      public final static String MODIFIER_CLASS = "crispy.prop.modifier.class";
73      /** Short-Name for the dynamic JDK (reflection) Proxy. */
74      public final static String VALUE_FOR_JDK_DYNAMIC_PROXY = "jdk_proxy";
75      /** Short-Name for the dynamic CGLIB Proxy. */
76      public final static String VALUE_FOR_CGLIB_DYNAMIC_PROXY = "cglib_proxy";
77      /** Short-Name for the dynamic Javassist Proxy. */
78      public final static String VALUE_FOR_JAVASSIST_DYNAMIC_PROXY = "javassist_proxy";
81      /** 
82       * Property for set extra debug mode for more information by problems to on/off.
83       * Default is off (false). 
84       */    
85      public final static String DEBUG_MODE_ON = "crispy.prop.debug.mode.on";
87      /** 
88       * If object properties can be <code>null</code> and the transport not supported null values
89       * (XML-RPC for example) you can substitute the null value with this property.
90       *  
91       */    
92      public final static String NULL_VALUE = "crispy.prop.null.value";
94      /** 
95       * If all execution of service invocation are asynchronous, then set a implementation from the 
96       * interface <code>net.sf.crispy.AsynchronousCallback</code>. 
97       */
98      public final static String ASYNCHRONOUS_CALLBACK_CLASS = "crispy.prop.asynchronous.callback.class";    
100     /** 
101      * Define the max size of Threads for the asynchronus communication. 
102      */
103     public final static String ASYNCHRONOUS_MAX_SIZE_OF_THREADS = "crispy.prop.asynchronous.max.size.of.threads";    
105 }