Package net.sf.crispy

Main-classes and interfaces from this framework.


Interface Summary
Interceptor Intercept the Proxy-Method newInstance and DynamicProxy-MethoddoInvoke (InvocationHandler), before and after call.
InterceptorFilter Interceptor/Modifier can filtered by implementation of this interface.
InvocationStrategy This interface describe the converter (mapping) to the invocation string (a url for example) from the invocation class.
IServiceManager Minimun on method for ServiceManager.
Modifier This interface you can use to modify the return value from execute methode result.
PropertiesLoader Interface, to load the Properties for the Servicemanage.
Property Properties to config the ServiceManager.

Class Summary
ExceptionWrapper Wraped the server side thrown exception.
Executor Send the method to the server and wait of return-value.
ExecutorDecorator Decorator for all Executor implemantations.
InterceptorContext Structure with information about the method-invocation, how method and args.
InterceptorFilterContext Structure for filter interceptors, with information about the method-invocation, how method and args.
InterceptorHandler Handle Interceptor- and Modify - Events.
StackTraceElementWrapper Wrapper for java.lang.StackTraceElement, so you can ist transport from the server to the client side.

Exception Summary
InvocationException Is thrown, if is a problem with the creation or invocation a service.

Package net.sf.crispy Description

Main-classes and interfaces from this framework.

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