Uses of Interface

Packages that use MiniServer
net.sf.crispy.impl Implementation from this framework. 
net.sf.crispy.impl.caucho Implementation from Burlap and Hessian (Caucho). 
net.sf.crispy.impl.corba Implementation from CORBA transport. 
net.sf.crispy.impl.jaxrpc Implementation for Web-Service (JAX-RPC). 
net.sf.crispy.impl.jboss Implementation for JBoss remoting API. 
net.sf.crispy.impl.local Simulate a server to register service instances. REST (REpresentational State Treansfer) implementation (a special (simple) kind of WebService). 
net.sf.crispy.impl.rmi Implementation for RMI. 
net.sf.crispy.impl.xmlrpc Implementation for XML-RPC.  

Uses of MiniServer in net.sf.crispy.impl

Classes in net.sf.crispy.impl that implement MiniServer
 class MiniHttpServer
          This server is to set a web context and add servlets with mapping path.

Uses of MiniServer in net.sf.crispy.impl.caucho

Classes in net.sf.crispy.impl.caucho that implement MiniServer
 class MiniCauchoServer
          Mini web server implementation with two servlets (BurlapServlet and HessianServlet).

Uses of MiniServer in net.sf.crispy.impl.corba

Classes in net.sf.crispy.impl.corba that implement MiniServer
 class MiniCorbaServer

Uses of MiniServer in net.sf.crispy.impl.jaxrpc

Classes in net.sf.crispy.impl.jaxrpc that implement MiniServer
 class MiniAxisServer
          Mini web server to test JAX-RPC client requests.

Uses of MiniServer in net.sf.crispy.impl.jboss

Classes in net.sf.crispy.impl.jboss that implement MiniServer
 class MiniJBossRemotingServer
          Mini server for JBoss remoting to answer to client requests.

Uses of MiniServer in net.sf.crispy.impl.local

Classes in net.sf.crispy.impl.local that implement MiniServer
 class MiniLocalObjectServer
          Simulate a server for local Java Object access.

Uses of MiniServer in

Classes in that implement MiniServer
 class MiniRestServer
          Mini web server implementation with a REST servlets (RestServlet).

Uses of MiniServer in net.sf.crispy.impl.rmi

Classes in net.sf.crispy.impl.rmi that implement MiniServer
 class MiniRmiServer
          MiniRmiServer has the function to simulate a RMI Server.

Uses of MiniServer in net.sf.crispy.impl.xmlrpc

Classes in net.sf.crispy.impl.xmlrpc that implement MiniServer
 class MiniXmlRpcServer
          Mini web server for XML-RPC to answer to XML-RPC client requests.

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